
Introduction:New Owner

I would like to introduce myself as I took over this blog a couple of days ago now and thought it best.

So Fritz was the previous owner but due to him having commitments to Fritz 40k and this blog being dormant for some time now he thought it best to pass it on to someone.

As I am going to be a Necron force fairly soon I thought it would be a good opportunity for me.

I do run another blog and will continue to post there but this will be exclusively for my Necrons.

I will say I am not a tactical mind and being fairly new to the game will not be posting many tactica any time soon but I will be showcasing my work and any battles and lists and such I have.

I'd like to end this by saying thank you to Fritz for this opportunity and I hope everyone who is following this blog enjoys what I post.


Warflake Out.      
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