
Possible New Necron Codex Page

So I'm not sure if this has already been seen or anything but I thought I'd throw this out there as I just watched it and thought this maybe a new thing.

Still a rumour, just counting down the days now!

EDIT I've just found out that this was 'leaked' back in May so more than likely not true. Though could be interesting to see how far off it is when the real one drops in 2 weeks.


Warflake Out.
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2 comments: on "Possible New Necron Codex Page"

Behold said...

This was originally "leaked" back in May. Possibly a hoax.

kamatu said...

Actually, considering this was from April/May, what the rumors were saying and what is written in the WD, these probably were legit at the time as part of a test/beta codex.