
Necron C'Tan Deceiver

So I've got a lot of new thoughts on the Deceiver and with how I have been using him in the past dozen games or so he is actually worth 300 points. I'm going to break it down over the next few articles but the main thing is his speed and positioning on the table. He is a slow model, no transport, infiltrate, or deepstrike options and if you are running with him you aren't using any powers- powers which you need to be popping off each turn. Forget about trying to run the Deceiver across the table, you need to set up objectives, the ones you can control, so your opponent runs past and thought the C'Tan to get them...

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3 comments: on "Necron C'Tan Deceiver"

Xzandrate said...

I can see the benefit to have him lurking around objectives, especially to assault one turn and pull enemies away from the objective and then leave combat the next turn.

Do you find trying to lurk him behind stuff works better? or just leave him out in the open as a fire magnet?

hanged said...

Running him means you can't shoot with him. Just a something you should think about.

NerdExtrodinare said...

Yeah... He doesn't have anything to shoot... He has an ability but that would not be prevented by running. "units may choose to run instead of firing" and abilities aren't fired, they're used.