Which To Choose:Immortals or Warriors?
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7 comments: on "Which To Choose:Immortals or Warriors?"
I agree with your thoughts, so far, 3 games in and I havent used any Immortals at all. I even managed to win 1 game!
I also think that people are selling the Harbingers of Transmogrification short. For 30 points their ability to make any enemy unit Hit move as if its in Difficult Terrain, yup I am looking at the tanks in the world, like Landraiders.
Nice job on taking over this blog BTW, I have been away and been looking through some of your old posts recently, got some interesting stuff there. I was always hoping Fritz would come good on the Star Gods blog :-)
As for Troops, I am still torn, but I think there is a place for both choices in most lists. I have to say I am one of those people who have started playing with units of five! I suppose it's because I have been locked with ten Warriors as a Troops choice for the last ten years, that now I can take five for 65pts, I am going to do it, even if it's just for the novalty factor lol.
I think the lack of Ghost Arks in the lists floating around at the moment is probably because people are working on the models they have in there cases more, I am sure the Ark lists will start to appear more as the models are built up and painted (probably after xmas)
There is some great combos in the book that compliment Transmogrification also.
Thanks, I won't be as good as Fritz by any means but I shall try to put out good content still.
I do understand for veteran Necron players to want to play 5 man squads just because you can now but I'm just pointing it out mainly to people that have just jumped to the Codex. Being that they have come from, more than likely, a Marine player of some sort. But I think it's partly personal preference and partly the Codex is still new and finding out whether 5 man squads will work is something that needs to be tested more.
I'm sure we will see alot more Ghost Arks, I think people will probably run a few due to the AV13. I don't blame them. Yup I'm sure xmas shall spawn even more Necron players also which is great.
In lower point games, I like immortals slightly better than warriors. In larger point games, I like the warriors better. Large blobs of warriors.
Combined with Anrakyr on a CCBarge and Szeras, your immortals can be a serious counter-attack squad in low point games where you can't afford things like lychguard. That combo is really, really impressive in low point games, but it's power gets diluted above 1250 or so.
Larger armies have the room to take the things that Warriors need to really shine... huge numbers, ghost arks, and lords with res orbs.
my army is
troops: 5 squads of 10 warriors at 715 points with 5 viking ships (ghost arks i converted) for an additional 575 points
HQ: overlord w/ res orb, brain bugs ( mindshackle scarabs), and gauntlet of fire coming to 140 and illuminor Szeras
court: 4 lanceteks coming to 140 and 1 terrortek for 30. 5 lords with same as overlord for 425 total for a grand court worth 595
elites: 10 deahmarks for 190 and two Stalkers for 300 (490 total)
heavy support: 3 Death ships ( doomsday arks converted like the viking ships) for 525
3000 point army
ok so i have been asked why the ghost arks if you cant put the 12 (13 for overlord squad) man squads of warriors in them (each has a lord and lance tek or szeras). I foot slog and use the arks as mobile cover in a way and if the squad drops to low i put them in the ark and replenish my numbers. mark an indie character with your deathmarks and place the terror tek with them (they are standing on the board like your entire army should be reserves weakens you) not many things can stand against 2+ wound ap1 because the mark is also conferred to anything the character joins. i brought this army to a tournament and i find it quite sad that i had more models on the board than the tyranid player i fought the first round. the Doom arks... camp them in back as 72 inches is pretty much the board you play on and keep them alive at all costs. I learned that they may still pivot without counting as moving so that is a huge plus considering their firing ark is very small. and the stalkers are your hidden asset keep them out of combat i mean s7 is only good against a rino or a truk. People are like wtf is that then you shit 2 melta shots onto them and take out 2 guys or a tank and put a marker on them to make your guns twin linked its a good vehicle but the problem is the short range but move them forward with your warriors and they wont now what to kill cuz it all has some anti infantry and anti tank and upgrade the squad with the overlord. btw for 6th keep the teks and lords in the second rank of guys not the front.
i agree. i play an anrakyr/szeras army in low point games up to 2000 points is what i find effective before the combo starts losing its punch. in high point games i try to use zahndrekh and obyron or just save points and use the army i just posted above
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