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Which To Choose:Immortals or Warriors?

This has been a topic of debate with myself really and I can imagine with most of the rest of you. On the surface I immediately went straight to Immortals being that they had a better save....Then I thought how cheap the Warriors are, I can take say 30 of them for a mere 390 points. That is pretty impressive. That is not to say you will take 30 but...

Yet Another 1500 Point Necron List ...

Although I am enjoying writing lists with this Codex I feel rather limited because of the little I know of how they will work out so with out play testing or at least extensive research into other peoples playtesting I can't comment yet. I do have a basic idea of what I'll need and that's to stay away from assault ;p. Of all the lists I've been playing...

1500 Point Necrons:Now With AT

Following on from yesterday I put together another list that I think is a little more effective than the last. HQ Overlord w/ Warscythe - 100 Command Barge - 80 Royal Court Cryptek Harbringer of Destruction - Solar Pulse - 55 Cryptek Harbringer of Destruction x 2 - 70 Troops Immortals x 10 - 170 Immortals x 10 - 170 Warriors x 10...

I Have Written My First List

I just wanted to bring to your attention a list that I just written over on my other blog. http://www.40kn00b.com/2011/11/initial-1500-point-necron-list.html Please visit it and give me your thoughts either there or on here. This list is'nt anything special that I can tell as I wrote it after not having the book for very long and wrote it purely...

I Have The Necron Codex

And I really like it personally, to me it's not overpowered and not weak at all. I will review it properly once I get over the initial excitement of looking at the pretty pictures but I'll say some things I like about it from I have looked at so far. Some things have been nerfed but in a way to reduce points costs, that is a good thing in my opinion....

Not Long Now...

Till I get my hands on that Codex! Much has been said about them the past couple of days from a number of blogs but I have tried my best to ignore them until I pick up my copy. Watched a couple of unboxing videos earlier also of the Ghost/Doomsday Ark and also the Command/Annihilation Barge and once again GW have out done themselves seemingly. Whether...

Necron Sample Armies

Pulled from Games Workshops What's New Today. Making a 1,000 Necron army is very quick and easy. A couple of boxes of Necron Warriors make the core of the army, while the Immortals provide some heavier firepower. The Lychguard and the Overlord provide...

Necrons White Dwarf

So I actually made the effort of picking up this months White Dwarf just to get to see the points costs from the Battle Report and maybe see some info. What I got was a lot more than that. For Necrons this was a fantastic issue, I haven't bought a White Dwarf in over 8 years and I must say I don't remember it ever being like that, but that is beside...

Necrons - with Mat Ward


Necrons Pre-Orders Now Up

Finally presented with the Pre-Orders from GW. Head over to gamesworkshop.com and go crazy haha. Sorting my Pre-Orders out as soon as I awaken once more. One thing I will also add is check out the new 360 photos they are doing now. There awesome. Thanks. Warflake O...

GW Necron Teaser

As if we needed it ;] but GW have released this video. I shall be pre ordering the codex as soon as I can and as soon as I can get it I shall post about it. Words can't describe how excited I am about this release. Thanks. Warflake O...

Possible New Necron Codex Page

So I'm not sure if this has already been seen or anything but I thought I'd throw this out there as I just watched it and thought this maybe a new thing. Still a rumour, just counting down the days now! EDIT I've just found out that this was 'leaked' back in May so more than likely not true. Though could be interesting to see how far off it is...